Sunday, September 4, 2016

Week of 7/31 - 8/6 - Spider Bite Recovery Week

Friday 8/5
A1. BS x 5 @ 45-95-135-185-205-225-245-265-285-285
A2. Band pull-a parts and Face Pulls
B1. Press x 8 @ 45-65-85-105-125(7)
B2. DB Rows x 8 @ 70-100-100-100-100
C. Sandbag training - 50 dead Bodies w/ 70# bag
Time: Approximately 7:20ish

Week of 7/24 - 7/30 - Vacay Week, Deloading

 Monday 7/25 - Sea Day 1
A. 500m Row + Bands + Shoulder Prehab
B. 10-1 w/ 50# DB of
DB Swing
Kosick Row
Walkout to push-up
5 rounds of:
C1. 30 sec Hollow Rocks
C2. 30 sec Windshield Wipers
C3. 30 sec Superman holds
C4. 30 sec ME Planks
Rest :30 sec

Thursday 7/28 - Roatan Island, Honduras
A. 500m Row
B. 12 min EMOM of
Even - 10 GS - 75# (10 x 10)
PUs - 8-10 Pull-ups (10-10-8-8-8-8-8)
C. 14 min EMOM of
Even - 10 DB Swings- 75#
Odd - 10 Push-ups
D. 10 min of Alternating Suitcase Carries - D/B Right, D/B Left
E. 5 rounds of Goblet Carries; 2 x D/B; rest 1 min

Friday 7/29
500m Rows
A. 3 sets of Tabata Rows 8; rest 3 min
B1. Hollow Rocks/Holds 
B2. Windshield Wipers 
B3. Superman 
B4. ME Plank hold

Saturday 7/30
A. 16 min EMOM of 
Odd - 10 Goblet Squat @ 75#
Even - 10 DB Swings @ 75#
B. 14 min EMOM of
Odd - 11 Push-ups
Even - 10 DB Rows/Arm
C. 10 min of Alternating Suitcase Carry - 75#
D. 5 rounds of Goblet Carry; 1min on, 1 min off

Week of 7/17 - 7/24 - Mad Cow Week 6, Cycle 2

Monday 7/18 
A. BS x 5 @ 45-95-135-185-230-255-280-305-330
B. PC x 5 @ 95-135-170-175-180-185-190
C1. Press x 8 @ 45-75-95-115-115-115-115
C2. DB Rows x 12 @ 70-100-100-100-100
D1.  Ab Wheel x 25-25-25-25
D2. Turkish Sit-ups - 4 x 10/side @ 45#

Wednesday 7/20
A1. BS x 5 @ 45-95-135-185-230-255-280-280
A2. Wtd Pull-ups 80x3x5+2-2-2 (21)
B. Clean Pulls x 5 @ 135-170-190-210-225
C1. 5 Rope Kips 
C2. 8 Wtd Push-ups - BW-10-20-30-40-50-60(5)-10@BW-10@BW
D1. 20 Sledgehammer swings
D2. 5 Tire-Jump Throughs

Friday 7/22
A. BS x 5-5-5-3-8 @ 45-95-185-235-260-285-310-340-280
B. PC x 5-5-5-3-8 @ 95-135-175-180-185-190-200-185
C1. 10 Ring Rows + 6-8 FB BB Rows @ 115#
C2. 1 min HS Holds (getting easier)
C3. BU KB Press x 5 (3sets @35#)
D. Big Boy Shuttle (or shuffle...)
5 rounds, rest while partner goes, but keep rolling between the two.
90# Prowler push - 25 yds (paces)
Sprint back and grab 100# DB and goblet carry 25yds
90# Prowler push (back to start)
Sprint back to get 100# DB and Goblet carry back to start.

The "sprint" to get the DB became more of a shuffle/jog. The last couple rounds I was able to open my stride a bit more than the first two.