Friday, January 29, 2016

Week of 1/25 - 1/29

Monday 1/25
A. 3 BS @ 275# q :45 sec x 15 
B.  Oly - Every 2 min for 10 min - 3 PC TnG + 1 J @ 70-80%
(135-165)-185-185-185-195-205* PC only...mentally switched gears.
C. Conditioning 
OHS - 95#
Time: 3:09; shoulder felt wobbly on first two rounds. I was good through about 5-7 reps.
After school/plan
5 RFT of
25 Ab Mat Sit-ups*
15 Push-ups

No Ab Mat. Did it in the wrestling room during plan (1:50ish)

Wednesday 1/27
A. Strength
4 min EMOM DL x 6 @ 70% - 385# (+10 from 12/16)
B. Oly 
PC 10 -->1 - EMOM for 10 min
I think I skipped the set of 5 so I did it at the end. 
C. Conditioning: (Out of time...will try to finish during plan.)
20 --> 2 by two's of
KB Snatch
1 rope climb
Time: 19:31

Friday 1/29
Strength 6 rounds of: 
A1. Press - 4 x 6 x 70%; rest 45-60 sec - 135#
A2. Strict Pull-ups - 8-10 rest 45-60 sec
10-10-10-8+2, 8+2, 8+2
A3. Zercher squat x 5: rest 60-90 sec
Notes: dropped 315 after 2nd rep, reset and did two more, then dropped to 295 for 3 on that set. Got distracted on the press and only did 5. Retracted and did 1 more

B. Conditioning - 30 TGU (alt hands/rep) compare to 12/18 (7:48)
Time: 7:15 (:33 improvement)

Week of 1/18 - 1/22

Monday 1/18
A. Strength 
3 BS every :45 sec x 15 @ 235# (55%)
B. Oly
10min EMOM:
Even: 3 Power Clean @80% (205-215-215-225-235*-235*
ODD: 6 DB Bench Press 70-70-80(3)*-12PUs-12PUs
Notes: 2+1HPC, 3HPC, felt a slight twinge in Lt shoulder so I defaulted to Push-ups
C. Conditioning
4 Rounds:
10 Bar MU (5-3-2), (2-2-2-1-1-1-1), (1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1), (singles)
10 Power Clean & Jerk 135# (dropped b/t reps)
Time: 16:08

Wednesday 1/20
A. Oly: 3-position (knee, mid, high) Snatch-grip DL - 5 x 3* pause count of 3 @ each position; rest 2 min
B. Oly: Every 2 min x 5 sets - 3 HPC + 1 SJ
C1. Strength: Push-Press x 3 x 4; rest 5-10 sec
C2. 7 strict T2B; rest 2 min
D. Conditioning: 15.4 strep scheme (3/20/15 on blog)
CTB Pull-ups
PC - 185#
Reps: 85, finished last 5 PC AT.

Friday 1/22
A. 3 FS EMOM - 10 min @ 225#* (64-67%)
B. EMOM for 8 min
Even - 5 Bar MU
Odd - 5 HSPUs off 25# bumpers
*two sets at 215 + 10 @ 225. Did 4 on the last min to make an even 40 reps.
CFFB WOD retest
5 RFT of
7 DL - 315#
21 DUs
Time: 4:15 (3:15) - DUs killed me only one set (2nd) UB. Broke 3-4 times on sets 3-4.

Week of 1/11 - 1/15

Monday 1/11
A1. BS; 5 x 8; rest :30-45
A2. Deficit HSPUs x 3-5 x 5; rest :30-45
A3. Bar MU x 5 x 5; rest 2:00
10 min AMRAP of:
10 WB - 20#
10 Burpees
Rounds: 7rounds + 10 WB +1 Burpee

Wednesday 1/13
Oly: Every 2min for 10min
3 Cleans @ 70-75%
Strength: 13min
4 x 2 x 90% Deadlift 2:30 rest - 465#
5 Rounds or 12min
10 Pullups
5 Power Snatch 135/95
40′ HS Walk or 160′ Single Arm OH DB Carry 70/55*
Time: 10:22
Notes: took a long time to warm up. Still feeling squats from Monday. HSW were extremely broken. Was taking 2-3 steps before coming down.

Friday 1/15
A. EMOM 3 FS @ 75% - 255#
B1. 5 x 2 Strict Weighted Pullups
B2. 5 x 2 Strict Press
3 Rounds
12 WallBalls 20/14
12 Pullups
3 Rounds
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 C2B Pullups
Time: 6:46

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week of 1/4 - 1/8

Monday 1/4
A. BS EMOM for 12 min @ 285# (135-185-235)
B. Every 2 min x 1 Snatch + 1 Clean for 16 min
PS: 165-165-175-175-185-185-185-185
C: 165-175-185-195-205-215-225-235
8 min AMRAP of
6 OHS (FS) - 115#(155#)
9 BJ/step down
12 T2B
Rounds: 5 in 8:01

Notes: scaled FS due to shoulder feeling unstable in OH position.

Wednesday 1/6
A1. DL - 4 x 3 @ 85%; rest 2 min 
135-225-275-315-365-405-445 x 3 x 4
A2. Press - 4 x 3 @ 85%; rest 2 min
45-95-115-135-155(2)-150 x 3 x 6
BB Conditioning
15 min alternating every 15 sec b/t
1 PC/J - 135#
1 Power Snatch - 135#
Notes: form felt good, but low back was talking to me at the end.
Conditioning (Omitted)
3 rounds of
5 Bar MUs
25 WB or 8 Thrusters - 95#

Friday 1/8
A1. FS x 2 x 5 @ 305; rest 1 min
A2. Wtd PUs; rest 2 min
B. 21-15-9 of:
Thrusters - 75#
Time: 3:28
C1. AMRAP strict PUs x 3 attempts; rest 10 sec
C2. 21-15-9 HRPUs

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week of 12/28 - 1/1

Monday 12/28
A. Strength: 
Back Squat - 5 x 8; rest 3 min
+3 from last time; taking a couple steps back due to variables. Don't want to miss reps. Hoping it will pay off in a few weeks.

B. Oly: 15 min for warmup and EMOM
1 x 10 Complex 1 (clean grip)
9 min EMOM Start at 100% of Strict Press max and increase weight each min if positions are correct
2 Power Clean 1 Push Press
*PC only
**PC+HPC only

C. Metcon: 15.3 retest
14min AMRAP
7 Ring MU (Scale: Bar MU)
50 Wallballs 20/14-10’/9′
100 DU
Rounds: 2 + 2 BMUs

Wednesday 12/30

Oly: 14min 
4min warmup
8min EMOM
2 Power Snatch Pause on catch for 1 count


*Notes: Shoulder felt gooey on the 2-3rd set of 165 so I backed off to 155 again

Strength: 12min 

4min to warm up then
4 x 4 x 80% Deadlift 90s rest



Conditioning: 5 rounds 
60 yards shuttle run by 10yd
10 DB One Arm Alternating Power Snatch 70/55
10 Burpees

Time: 8:02


7min AMRAP
15 Abmat situps
12 Hand Release Pushups
9 C2B Pullups

Rounds: 4+15+8

Friday 1/1

Oly/Strength: 20min 

A. 3 FS @ 75% EMOM for 10 min - 245#

B. 4 x 4 x 80% Strict Press 90s rest - 45-95-115-145-145-145-145

C. 5 x 3 x 70% Push Press 1 min rest - 135-165-185-185-185-185*-185*

*lost form rep 3 of oflast two sets. Ended up having a catch to it.

Auxiliary: 10min
2 Rounds of:
10 Strict T2B
6 Front rack reverse lunges 40%% of Back squat max (6 each leg) - 175#
8 BB bent over row AHAP - 185#

Conditioning: 10min AMRAP
7 Sh 2 OH 135/95
10 T2B
7 Sh 2 OH 135/95
10 KB Swings 70/55

Rounds: 4 + 5th round after time