Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Training Week of 8/26 - 8/30

Wednesday 8/26
A1. 3 Back Squat @ 31X1; rest 1 min
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 3-4; rest 1 min
A3. Deficit (45# iron) HSPUs x 3; rest 2 min
B. 10 RFT of:
10 DL TnG - 135#
10 Push-ups
Time: 6:33
C. RKC Planks - 20 on, 30 off x 5

Friday 8/28
A. 1 FS every :45 second for 20 rounds - 275#
B1. Pendelay Row x 5 - 135-155-165-185-185-185-185-185-185
B2. Press x 5 - 135-135-135-135-135-135
B3. RDL x 10 - 185-185-185-185-185-185
Rest as needed...try to stay moving
C. 5 RFT of:
20 OH Walking Lunge steps - 45# Plate
20 GHD Sit-ups
Time: 12:20 or 13:20* 
Notes: started at 29 min, ended at 41:23 or 42:23. Can't remember. Had to break the GHD after 1st set.

Sunday 8/30
A. 24* min EMOM of 
Odd: 7 DL TnG - 315#
Even: 8 Ring Dips
B. 5 rounds of

5 x one arm swing 
5 x one arm clean 
5 x one arm press 
5 x reverse lunge 
5 x single arm squat 

Switch sides and repeat.


Used 40# KB

Time: 9:37-47*

Did 24 as Rxd on the EMOM but did 8 on last set + 1 set on the next min for a total of 100 reps of DL @ 65%. Had to break ring dips on last 3 sets (7+1, 6+2, 5+1+1+1) then Did an extra set of 5 Ring dips after time.

Not sure if I did the Press on last round so I did a set after the 5th set (9:47 mark) to make sure.

Training Week of 8/19 - 8/23

Wednesday 8/19
A. 3 BS @30X1 q :45 sec for 20 rounds - 65-70% (275#)
B. 7 sets of the following Barbell Complex w/ 80#; rest 30-60 sec b/t sets
  • 5 Rows
  • 5 RDL
  • 5 High Pulls
  • 5 Hang PC
  • 5 FS
  • 5 Press
  • 5 Back Squat
D. RKC Planks x 20 sec x 5; rest 30

Friday 8/21
Five rounds of:
A1. FS x 3 to a tough Triple; rest :20
A2. 8-10 butterfly PUs; rest :20
A3. 5 HSPUs; rest 2:00
21-15-9 of
DL - 275#
GHD Sit-ups
Time: 3:29

Sunday 8/23
A1. DL - 5 x 5; rest 1 min
A2. WTD. Ring Dips - 4-5 x 5; rest 2 min
B1. FR Lunges x 20 steps @ 135# x 5; rest 1 min
B2. Ring Rows - 5 x15; rest 2 min
C. 21-15-9
Russian KBS - 70##
Ab Wheel
Time: 3:28

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Training Week of 8/12 - 8/16

Wednesday 8/12
A1. 3 Back Squat @ 31X1; rest 1 min
A2. WTD Pull-ups x 2-3; rest 1 min
A3. HSPUs x 3; rest 2 min
B. 5RFT of
5 DL TnG - 275#
10 Burpees 
Time: 3:03
C. K2E x 10 x 5; rest 1-2 min

Friday 8/14
A. 1 FS every :45 second for 20 rounds - 265#;  
B1. Pendelay Row x 5 - 135-155-165-165-165-165-165
B2. SA DB Press x 5/arm - 45-60-60-60-60-60-60
B3. SL DL x 10/leg - 60-70-70-70-70-70-70
Rest as needed...try to stay moving
C. 30 TGU - 55# - 7:03 (alternating 2/side until reps 29-30)

Sunday 8/16
A. 24 min EMOM of 
Odd: 5 DL TnG - 355#
Even: 7 Ring Dips
B. 10 -> 1 of:
Strict Ring Pull-ups*
Goblet Lunges (/leg) - 60# KB
Ab Wheel 
Time: 16:07
I did the first round of 10 UB w/ one Kip. Remaining sets were completed with 2+single to reach rep goal. I didn't expect these to bog me down like they did. Be a good one to retest.