Monday 2/16 - OPEX Being
A. back squat 3, 3, 3; rest as needed
135-185-225-275-315-335-355-375-395 (+10# from 1/30)
B. Back Squat x 25 @ 275#(+5 reps)
C. Row 1min (SDLHP) 90% aero rest 1min x 4
52-52-53-55 reps/round
AD 1`min all out
AD 1`min all out
AD 2min Z1
AD 1min all out
AD 2min Z1
AD 1min all out
AD 2 min Z1
4 rounds of
Ab Wheel x 12
HSPUs - 4-5-6-6
Strict Pull-ups x 6
Tuesday 2/17 - OPEX Being
18min amrap open pace
30 G2O 165# - PC+PP - 6-3-3-1's @ constant pace. Had to fix wt @ rep 20 & 27 - 5:42
100 bar facing burpees - step over - kept moving - 13:00 (7:18)
30 MU
30 G2O 165# - PC+PP - 6-3-3-1's @ constant pace. Had to fix wt @ rep 20 & 27 - 5:42
100 bar facing burpees - step over - kept moving - 13:00 (7:18)
30 MU
Results: 30-100-13 in 18 min, 18 MU in 20 min, 35 MU in 29:05 as I cleaned up between reps.
*all MUs done as singles.
Wednesday 2/18 - OPEX Being
A. deadlift TnG cluster 3. 3. 3; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3
for time
Row 1k (100 SDLHP @ - 45#BB)
25 DU
Row 750m (75 "...")
50 DU
Row 500m (50 "...")
75 DU
Row 250m (25 "...")
100 DU
for time
Row 1k (100 SDLHP @ - 45#BB)
25 DU
Row 750m (75 "...")
50 DU
Row 500m (50 "...")
75 DU
Row 250m (25 "...")
100 DU
Time: 14:07
Grip ended up being limiting factor on DL clusters. I can tell I haven't pushed my hook grip in a while.
Subbed SDLHPs for rows on metcon. All SDLHP UB, DUs done in sets of 25-26
Ready for a rest day!!
Friday 2/20 - OPEX Being
A. SC build to a max in 15mins
95x3, *115x3, 135x3, 165-185-205-225-240-255-265 @ 15:30 mark
*started clock before set
0-3:00 min
2 rounds
10 OHS 95/65#
10 CTB chin ups
3:00-6:00 min
2 rounds
12 OHS 95/65#
12 CTB chin ups
6:00-9:00 min
2 rounds
14 OHS 95/65#
14 CTB chin ups
Outcome: 10's + 12's + 14-14-14-9 (finished last 5 CTB PUs at 9:33-34)
if you continue to get the 2 rounds done in the 3min window increase the reps by 2 and continue
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