Friday, February 27, 2015

OPEX Being- Week of 2/16 - 2/20

Monday 2/16 - OPEX Being 
A. back squat 3, 3, 3; rest as needed
135-185-225-275-315-335-355-375-395 (+10# from 1/30)
B. Back Squat x 25 @ 275#(+5 reps)
C. Row 1min (SDLHP) 90% aero rest 1min x 4
52-52-53-55 reps/round
AD 1`min all out
AD 2min Z1
AD 1min all out
AD 2min Z1
AD 1min all out
AD 2 min Z1
4 rounds of
Ab Wheel x 12
HSPUs - 4-5-6-6
Strict Pull-ups x 6

Tuesday 2/17 - OPEX Being
18min amrap open pace
30 G2O 165# - PC+PP - 6-3-3-1's @ constant pace. Had to fix wt @ rep 20 & 27 - 5:42
100 bar facing burpees - step over - kept moving - 13:00 (7:18)
30 MU
Results: 30-100-13 in 18 min, 18 MU in 20 min, 35 MU in 29:05 as I cleaned up between reps.
*all MUs done as singles.

Wednesday 2/18 - OPEX Being 
A. deadlift TnG cluster 3. 3. 3; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3
for time
Row 1k (100 SDLHP @ - 45#BB)
25 DU
Row 750m (75 "...")
50 DU
Row 500m (50 "...")
75 DU
Row 250m (25 "...")
100 DU
Time: 14:07

Grip ended up being limiting factor on DL clusters. I can tell I haven't pushed my hook grip in a while. 

Subbed SDLHPs for rows on metcon. All SDLHP UB, DUs done in sets of 25-26

Ready for a rest day!!

Friday 2/20 - OPEX Being 

A. SC build to a max in 15mins

95x3, *115x3, 135x3, 165-185-205-225-240-255-265 @ 15:30 mark

*started clock before set


0-3:00 min

2 rounds
10 OHS 95/65#
10 CTB chin ups

3:00-6:00 min

2 rounds
12 OHS 95/65#
12 CTB chin ups

6:00-9:00 min

2 rounds
14 OHS 95/65#
14 CTB chin ups

Outcome: 10's + 12's + 14-14-14-9 (finished last 5 CTB PUs at 9:33-34)

if you continue to get the 2 rounds done in the 3min window increase the reps by 2 and continue

Monday, February 16, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 2/9 - 2/14

Monday 2/9 - OPEX Being 
A. back squat 3, 2, 1; rest 3mins
8min amrap open pace
8 PS 95/65#
8 burpees
Rounds: 5+4.5PS in Rx'd time (8min) 6 rounds in 9:35
15 min Z1 AD

Wednesday 2/11 - OPEX Being 
A. clean and jerk build to a max
B. strict HSPU cluster 3. 3. 3; rest 20sec/rest 3mins x 3
for time
10 burpee MU*
5 wall walks
200 DU in unbroken 25’s only - Jump rope broke, had to use Robby's...DUs were very broken
5 wall walks
10 burpee MU*

Notes: today was a bad day...almost like it wasn't meant to happen...woke up with my right knee locking up a bit. Hadn't done that in quite a while. Tweaked my low back a little on the set of 205#. I guess I was too loose in the middle. All that crap factored in to my weak mind set of going overhead I ended up only hitting 225 over head...same weight I hit 20 times EMOM a couple weeks ago...which is embarrassing. Hit some singles up to 255 then missed 265. Had it high enough, just missed going forward. Jump rope broke in the middle of my WOD...had to borrow Robby's. Didn't even time it. DUs were severly broken. His rope was too short for me. 

Friday 2/13 - OPEX Being 
A. SC x 1/HSC x 1; rest 2mins x 5 build per set
B. wtd chin up 2-3 x 3; rest 2:30-3min
7mins amrap
15 SC 95
12 SC 115
9 SC 135
6 SC 155
3 SC 185 in 5:42
remainder of time amrap
SC 225 x 2*

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 2/2 - 2/6

Monday 2/2 - OPEX Being 

A. Back squat @30X0; 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3mins second 3, 2, 1 more than the first

(135-185-225-275-315-345) 365-385-405, 375-395-415

B. emom – hang PC TnG x 5 155# - 8mins



5 RFT of:

5 DL - 275#

10 Burpees

Time: 3:01
(2:59 on 7/19)

Notes: had to leave after squats again...getting a bit old. Also tweaked my right mid back during the 365. I had a lack of focus and became slack through the middle. Refocused and hit my weights, but it is pretty sore/tight.

Finished HPC on the minute in the cold garage. Also opted for s shorter retest WOD since I had kids in the house. I would have had to sub quite a bit anyway. 

Wednesday 2/4 - OPEX Being 

A. push press x 1/jerk dip x 1/paused jerk x 2; rest 2 mins x 5 (2sec pause at bottom of dip for the paused jerks)



3 rounds for time
10 HSPU (10)-(5+2+2+1)-(2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)
10 T2B (UB-UB-UB)

Time: 4:30 Had watch mess-up and HSPUs buried me. Had to do singles on last set.

rest 5mins

3 rounds for time
10 thrusters 95/65#

Time: 3:20* - had a safety pin come out of the rack b/t my last set of thrusters and Burpees. Had to mess with it and unpack weight before doing Burpees. Might have been closer to 3 min mark.

rest 5mins

5mins amrap
1 DL 275#
1 MU (bar)
increase by rep every round

4 rounds + 5DL + 4MU + 1MU AT (5:25
15mins Z1 AD (only had time for 8 min)

Friday 2/6 - OPEX Being 

A. back squat 65% of 1rm @20X0; 2-3; rest 45sec x 10

B. 3mins max HS walk
1min max bar MU - 8-6-7
1min max box jump 24" - 15-15-15
1min max wall balls 20/14# 10′ target - 21-21-21
1min PS 95/65# -12-11-10
1min max cal row 12-12-16
rest 1min x 3
12 min Z1 your choice


Monday, February 2, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 1/26 - 1/31

Monday 1/26 - Hotel WOD @ TanTara Resort, Osage Beach 

Lactate tester
10 Burpees
10 KBS -70#
10 Burpees
10 KBS - 70#
10 Burpees
10 KBS - 70#

Rest 12 min x 3

1. 2:24-25ish
2. 2:24
3. 2:34

Tuesday 1/27 - Hotel WO (Deload Day)
Goblet Squat - 70#
KB Rows - Right Arm - 70#
KB Rows - Left Arm - 70#
SL DL Right - 70#
SL DL Left - 70#
Walk-out to Push-up
100 Hollow Rocks (35-35-30)

Wednesday 1/28 - OPEX Being 

A. strict press build to a tough single in 10mins


*came up on toes in the middle

B1. amrap MU; rest 30sec - (5-4-2)
B2. amrap strict HSPU; rest 30sec - (11-8-7)
B3. amrap TTB; rest 3mins x 3 - (25-20-15)
C. 30 TGU alt hands per rep you pick weight pick something you can move smoothly with - 45#


PM in Garage - EMOM for 10 min 

Odd - 10 KB Snatch - Right arm (60#)

Even - 10 KB Snatch - Left arm (60#)

Friday 1/30 - OPEX Being 
A. back squat build to a tough triple in 10mins
135-185-225-275-315-345-365-385 + 20 reps @ 275#
B. PS 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2mins
C. hang snatch build to a tough single in 12mins
D. EMOM for 5 min of 2 Paused Hang Snatch from Knee - 135#
E. EMOM for 5 min of 1 HS from Knees + 1 Snatch - 135#
20min cap
75 PS - 75# - 5:05 (never really pushed it)
60 bar facing Burpees - just kept moving. Step over, no hop over - 10:17
35 CTB chin ups - subbed ring PUs - 13:05ish
60 walk lunges - 16:30ish
75 KBS - 40# - 19:39-40
remainder of time amrap NPUBJ on small box - 3 reps

Notes: Squat felt good...a bit rushed, but good. I had to go do sub plans after Back Squat. Finished in Garage about an hour and a half later...cold...alone...not very motivated by that point...but still did work I guess. I did have to sub some things in the Chipper. 

Saturday 1/31 - Self Programmed

A1. Close-grip BP - 3-3-3-3-3; rest 1 min


A2. Rope Climb x 2; rest 3 min x 5



The "Chief"

5 sets of 3 min AMRAP; 1 min rest 

3 PC - 135#

6 Push-ups

9 Body Squats

Rounds/set: 5-5-5-5-6

Notes: +1 on every round compared to 10/31/15. Gamed it... I ended each round at the 2:3o-ish mark in order to maintain pacing. Was going for increased work output and it worked.