Monday 1/12 - OPEX Being
A. BS @30X1; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2-3mins
B. Hang Snatch 2, 2, 2; rest 3mins
10min AMRAP (in garage)
60 bar facing burpees - aim for 5 min
30 OHS 120/90# - aim for 1 min
10 MU - go for it remainder of time
1 Round + 2 BFBs
(Compare to 5/18/11 of 60 BFBs + 30 OHS + 8 MUs)
Notes: had to leave and do sub plans after squats. Finished Tester in garage. Couldn't feel my hands by the end...
A. PC build to a max in 10mins
WU: 45-95-115-135
WS: 185-205-225-240-255-265(miss) (255 @ 10min mark; attempted 265 at approx 12 min)
rest 3mins
B. PC amrap 4mins 90% of A - 1 rep q 10 sec
90% of 255# - 230# x 17 in 4 min, (30 reps in 9:45)
rest as needed (10 min)
4 min cap – 5 rounds for time:
8 clean and jerks 95/65#
35 DU
Total Rounds: 3+8 PC/J (1st round was in :52 sec. All PC/J UB, DUs UB for first two, then 20+15 ish on last 3 sets. Really lost time b/t transitions and on latter rounds of DUs - breathing too much I guess)
Finished last two rounds in 7:11 (3 min to do 1.5 control was apparently on.
Really sucked it up on the PC today. Not sure what the deal was. I really thought I would be around 275#. Felt like I had no jump and the weight was too far forward on the first pull. Felt like my butt rose too fast causing the weight to move away during the jump phase.
Need to remember to maintain big toe contact and flare knees to stay more upright during the pull.
10 box jumps 24/20″ sd
10 kbs 1.5/1pd
PS 3, 2, 1, 1; rest as needed
10mins as many reps as possible:
75/45# Snatch, 30 reps
135/75# Snatch, 30 reps
165/100# Snatch, 30 reps
210/120# Snatch, as many reps as possible
Reps: 30-30-9 (finished 30 reps @ 165# in 18:42)
Saturday 1/17 - OPEX Function
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