Saturday, July 25, 2015

Training for the Week of 7/13 - 7/17

Tuesday - 7-14

A1. Zercher Squat - 5 x 3; rest 2 min


A2. WTD Pull-ups - 5 x 5+; rest 2 min

BW-10-20-30-40-50-60(4.75)-60(2) + strict BW x 12

B1. L-sits - 20 sec; rest 10 sec 

B2. Bent Press + 10 windmills per side; rest 10 sec b/t sides; rest 10 sec

B3. SLDL x 10/leg; rest 10 sec b/t sides; rest 1 min; x 5

Airdyne Sprint Intervals :30 @ 90%, :30 @ 50% x 5 (5min)

Friday 7/17

A1. DL - 5 x 3; work to tough triple; rest 2 min - 225-275-325-365-385-405-425-445-465

A2. WTD Dips - 5 x 5; rest 2 min - 20-30-40-50-60-70

B. "Dip" Diane 21-15-9 - 2:47-48

225# DL - all UB

Bar Dips - (14-21, 7-5-3, 5-4) kippedafter rep 9 on first round

C1. Ab Wheel x 25; rest 30 sec

C2. RKC Planks - 30 sec; rest 30 sec

C4. 55# - Bulgarian Split Squats x 10/leg; rest 30 sec b/t legs; rest 1 min; 4 sets

Training Week of 7/19 - 7/25

Sunday 7/19

A. 10 min EMOM Back Squat x 3 @ 30X1 - 280#

B1. Press - 5 x 5 - 95-115-125-135-145x3-95x17

B2. Pendelay Row - 5 x 5 - 135-155-170-185-200-215-135x15

C1. Two 15' rope Climbs; rest 10 sec

C2. 15 HRPUs; rest 10 sec

C3. 12 Hanging Leg Raises; rest 2-3 min; 3-4* sets

Tuesday 7/21

A. 20 min EMOM

Odd - 7 DL - 315# (TnG)

Even - 5 HSPUs w/ hands on 25# bumpers

B1. WTD Pull-ups x 5; rest 1 min

15-25-35-45-55(4) + 12 Strict

B2. Bulgarian Split Squats* x 10 per leg; rest 30 sec b/t legs; rest 2 min; 5 sets * switched to Goblet Lunges for last two sets due to some slight pain in left groin.

4 rounds of

20 GHD Sit-ups and 15 Back Extensions

Thursday 7/22

A. 5 rounds of

3 FS; 235-250-265*-235-235 rest 20 sec

15 CTB Pull-ups*; Rest 3 min

*groin. Was talking to me on the 265# FS so I backed off to 235# for last two sets. Also did an extra set of 10 CTB Pull-ups after the sets.

Rest 5 min

B. 5 rounds of

10 RDL - 135-185-195-205-215-225; rest 20 sec

15 HR PUs; rest 2min

C. 30 TGUs for time - 55#

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Training Week of 7/6 - 7/11

Monday 7-6: Vertical Pull, Horizontal Press, Squat Pattern for Strength 

A. Weighted Ring Pull-ups x 5 BW-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45

B. Weighted Dips x 5 - BW-10-15-25-25-25-25-25

Rest 5 min

10 -> 1 of 60# KBS and Goblet Squat w/ 10 Ab wheel b/t each round - 10:29

Wednesday 7/8

A1. Pendelay Rows x 10 - 115-135-155-165-175-185

A2. Press x 5 - 45-75-95-105-115-125-135(6)

Rest 5 min

B. 100rep BS in as few sets as possible - 135# (2 sets: 60+41 w/ 1:10 rest b/t - total time 7:20)

C. Hanging leg raises - 5 x 10; rest 1:30-2:00

Saturday 7/11

A. EMOM for 20 min

Odd - 10 GS - 100# DB

Even - 10 COVP Pull-ups

B. EMOM for 20 min

Odd - 15 DL - 135#

Even - 15 Push-ups

Friday, July 10, 2015

OPEX Being Week of 6/22 - 6/26

Sunday 6/21 - Being 7/7/14

A. BS @20X1; 15, 15, 15; rest 4mins - 225-265-285-305
B. emom – 12mins
odd – 3 burpee MU* 3 Bar MU + 3 Burpees for minutes 1-3, then 2 Bar MU + 3 Burpees for minutes 4-6
even – 40 DU
10min amrap 90% effort pacing
increase by 3 reps every round
3 wall balls 20# 10′ target
3 KBS russian 1.5/1pd
3 burpees

– build per set on BS
– record number of reps you finish - 15 reps each in 8:10 @ approximately 80%

Monday 6/23 - Being 7/8/14

A. Messed around with SG SJ up to 165# then some PP/SJ/Paused SJ up to 185#
B. segmented snatch grip deadlift pause 2sec 1inch off the floor, below knee, and mid thigh; 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 5 - 135-185-235-255-275-295-315-335-355* *belted and strapped up. (335 is +20# from last recorded on 4/22/15)
C. emom – PS TnG x 4 heavy you pick and stay with that weight – 5mins 
12mins 80-90% effort - 5 + FW + BBJ (finished HSW x 12' in 12:17)

FW 50m 100#/hand
4 burpee box jump sd - 30″ (more of a Burpee + BJ)
HS walk x 12'

– pull from a rack if no blocks - omitted...didn't feel stable OH today. Should have done an EMOM to work tech
– build per set on seg sn grip DL 
– pick a weight that will be chalenging over time 
– grinder pace on 12min work 

Wednesday 6/24 - Being 7/9/14

A. close grip bench press build to a max @ 31X1 - 225#* 
B1. close grip bench press @30X1; 5×3; rest 90sec -185-815-815-195-195-195
B2. pendlay row @20X1; 5×3; rest 90sec 175-175-175-185-185-185
C. 3 wall walks + 10 chin ups on the 2min for 5-6sets - 6 sets

30 TGU 1.5/1pd alt hands per rep*

– take your time to build to an absolute max 
– pick something heavy and stick to it for b1/b2
– focus on breathing and recovery for C - 6 sets
– record time on TGU - 7:04* alternated every 2 up to 12 then every rep.

Thursday 6/25 - Being 7/11/14

A. heaving snatch balance build to a tough perfect double in 10mins


B. High Hang clean; build to a tough Single - 135-165-185-205-225-245-265-285-305

C. FS @ 31X1 - 3 x 3; rest 3 min 135-185-225-265-290-290-290

12, 9, 6 for time 80-90% aero (14:24, 15:18 - 7:00)
SC 185/115#
strict chin up

As Rx'd in 7:24

As Rx'd + round of 3 in 8:18

– go for something if feeling in in the snatch (clean)
– focus on tempo for OHS
– grinder pace on the 12, 9, 6 (3) - all SC in Singles, PUs broken