Saturday, April 25, 2015

OPEX Being Week of 4/20 - 4/25

Monday 4/20

A1. back squat @30X1; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 90sec

(135-185-225-275-315) 325-345-365-385-405

A2. strict chin up amrap in unbroken sets of 3 for 30sec; rest 2mins


B. close grip bench press @30X1; 3-4 x 5; rest 3mins

190-195-200-205-210 x 4

4 sets
5 PC TnG tough build per set - (175-185-195-205-185*)
8 burpees AFAP
AD 20sec max effort (split lunge jumps)
rest 4-6min (3min)

Wednesday 4/22

A. segmented snatch grip deadlift pause 2sec 1inch off the floor, below knee, and mid thigh; 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 5 

(135-185-215) 235-255-275-295-315

B. emom – 12mins 
odd – HPC x 4 TnG 60-65% of 1rm - (165-165-175-175-185-185)
even – HSPU strict x 8 (all UB)
for time 
Row 1k 80-90% effort (1:54 - UB)
rest 2mins 
10 TGU tough alt hand per rep (55#)
10 burpee + 10 (Bar) MU 
100 DU (done in approx sets of 31-15-25-29)
10 wall walks 
10 burpee + 10 (Bar) MU 
rest 2mins 
Row 1k same pace as above (1:54 - UB)

Friday 4/24 

A. press cluster @12X1; 2. 2. 2; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 4


B. push press x 1/SJ x 2; rest 2mins x 6


C. emom – double KB (DB) Jerk x 5 – 6mins - (55-55-65-65-65-65)
4 sets tough effort
7 thrusters tough build per set -(115-125-135-145)
7 burpees AFAP
AD 15sec all out (16 Russian Step-ups - 10#/hand)
rest 4-6min (3 min)

Saturday 4/25 - in garage

A. emom – BS @20X1 x 2-3 60-65% of 1rm – 10mins (12 min)


B. emom – 12mins
odd – 5 HPC - build per set 60-65% - (155-160-165-170-170-175)
even – burpee x 10


C. 10 RFT of:
5 DL AFAP (TnG) - 315# 
10 GHD (Ab Wheel)
Time: 9:50

Sunday, April 19, 2015

OPEX Being Week of 4/13 - 4/18

Monday - 4/13

A1. back squat @30X1; 5-6; rest 90sec

(135-225-275)315-330-345-360 *belted on WS; more like 30X2-3 on last set. Had to get on my spirit horse for 6th rep.

A2. wtd chin up cluster 2. 2. 2; rest 15sec/rest 2mins x 4


B. close grip bench press @30X1; 4-5×3; rest 3mins build per set

135-165-185-200-215 (3+1)

21, 15, 9 for time
Ring pushup - UB, 5's, 3's
T2B - 15+6, 9+3+3, 2+1's
wall ball 20# to 10' - UB, UB, UB
Time: 6:10

Wednesday 4/15

A1. press @12X1; 2-3×4; rest 45sec

A2. pushpress @12X1; 4-5×4; rest 3mins

B. emom – push jerk TnG x 5 60% of 1rm – 6mins - 165#
C1. Wall walk x 4; rest 1 min
C2. Single arm DB row; 6-8/arm x 4; rest 1 min (HEAVY)
D. TGU 20 reps 1.5pd - alt hands per rep - (5-6 min)


For time:
100m FW (100#/h)
12 HSPU 
75m FW
10 HSPU 
50m FW

Time: 10:05* 

*scaled HSPUS from 30-20-10

Friday 4/17

A. segmented clean grip deadlift pause 2sec 1inch off the floor, below knee, and mid thigh; 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 5


B. emom – 12mins
odd – PC x 5 TnG 60-65% of 1rm - (165-165-175-175-185-185)
even – (Bar) MU x 3-4 (3-4-4-4-4-3+1)
12mins 80-90% effort
FW 50m 100/70#/hand
4 burpee box jump - 30″
HS walk 10ft
Rounds: 10 + FW + 1 BBJ

Didn't have time to hang rings so I did Bar MU

Saturday 4/18

A. emom – BS @20X1 x 2-3 60-65% of 1rm – 8mins
(135-185-225-265) 285#

B. emom – PS TnG x 3 60% first min, 65% second min, 70% third min, 60% of 1rm 4th min – 9mins

C. death by ring MU
1-2-3-4-5-5 - (6 min)


4min 100% effort
7 KBS 2pd (Russian - used DB held by end)
7 box jump 24″ (slowed me down)
Rounds: 7

rest 8mins

AD 3mins max cals - as Rx'd...forgot to look at Cals though

Sunday, April 12, 2015

OPEX Will (PM only) Week of 4/6-4/11

Monday 4/6 - OPEX Will 
A. Snatch; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min (80-85%)
B. BS @20X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min (80-85%)
C. Emom 8 min – Segmented snatch DL + snatch pull (245-275#)
3 sets for time:
Row 500m
10 Front squat  (from ground – 185#)
15 CTB chin up unbroken*
Rest walk 3 min
*13+2 on last set

Wednesday 4/8 - OPEX Will
A. Build to a max complex – Paused jerk + Split jerk
B. Push press – build to a heavy set of 3
C1. Pendelay row; 4-6 x 3; rest 15 sec
C2. GH raise; 8 x 3; rest 15 sec
C3. Tng PC x 5 ( 225#/185#); rest 2 min
AD 30 sec @90%

AD 30 sec @50%

x 12min

Thursday 4/9 - OPEX Will 
A. Clean & Jerk; 2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min (80-90%)
B. Emom 10 min – BS @20X1 x 4 (65%)
C. for time: 10 RC (15’)
for time:
Bar MUs
Time: 5:10

Saturday 4/11
5 rounds - 20 on, 40 off of (25 min total)
1. Press - 95# (12-12-12-12-12) - 60
2. 1-1/4 GS - 70# (7-9-8-9-9) - 40
3. Ring Rows (14-14-14-12-12) - 66
4. KBS - 70# (14-14-14-14-14) - 70
5. Ab Wheel (10-10-10-10-20) - 60

OPEX Being - Week of 3/30 - 4/4

Monday 3/30
A. Paused Back Squat - tough triple; rest 1 min

135-185-235-285-310-330-350*-370* (+10# across each set)
A2. Strict COVP Pull-ups - 7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7  rest 1 min
B. HSPU clusters - 5.5.5*; rest 20 sec; rest 2 min x 3
10 min of:
12 KBS - 70#
24 DUs
Rounds: 8 rounds in 9:59

Wednesday 4/1
A. 3 FS EMOM for 10 min - 70% (+5)
B. EMOM for 10 min of 2 PC+J - 65-75%
21-15-9 of
GHD sit-ups
Time: 4:59*
*Abs started cramping up on set of 15. Had to stop after every 1-2 to stretch them out.

Friday 4/3 - OPEX Function 
A. Zercher Squat – 1RM in 5 sets from 80%1RM
B1. Close-grip bench – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – rest 2 min
B2. Chinups – 5×8-15 – rest 2 min (supinated)
15, 15, 8+7, 8+7, 8+7
C. Powell raise – AMRAP per arm with DB at 10% of Close-girp bench 1RM
20/arm @ 20#
D. Sorenson hold – one set AMRAP duration
2 min

Saturday 4/4 - Garage WOD
A1. DL - 5-4-3-2-1; rest 2min
WU: 135-225-275-315-365-
WS: 385-405*-425-445-465-485
A2. Press - 3x5 + AMRAP - 135#; rest 2 min

*405x4(miscounted sets), 3+2PP
EMOM for 12 min of
Odd - GS - 12
Even - Ring Rows - 10
5 RFT of:
5 Tire Flips
10 Burpees
Time: 5:09
Mow the yard