Saturday, March 28, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 3/22 - 3/28

Sunday 3/22 - Hotel WOD

5 rounds @ Z1 of:
20 KBS 
20 Alt Goblet Lunges
20 Rows - R
20 Rows - L
20 Push-ups
Bearcrawl D/B x 2
HS Holds x 30 sec

Tuesday 3/24 - OPEX Being
A. 1-1/4 back squat 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 3mins
B1. Double KB (BB) front rack walk lunge 20steps you pick weight; rest 60sec
B2. amrap CTB chin ups – 1; rest 3mins x 3
C. 30 TGU 1.5 pd alt hands per rep - as Rx'd 

Row (Airdyne) 30sec sec 90% aero
rest walk 30sec x 8

Wednesday 3/25 - OPEX Being
A. Front squat 2×3 70% of 1rm; rest 2mins
(135-185-215) 235-235
B. Front squat 2×2 80% of 1rm; rest 2mins
C. Front squat 2×2; build from 80% rest 2mins*
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time*
Wall Walk
DL - 315#
Time: 2:25
*Didn't read it carefully and I accidentally flipped the order of movements. Started w/ DL first. 
10mins 85% aero
Row 200m (20 SDLHPs w/ 45# BB)
30 DU - all UB
10 bupree jump touch 6″ target
Rounds: 5+20 @ 9:47 mark; rested until 10:10-ish then finished 6th round (DUs/Burpees) in 11:37

Friday 3/27 - OPEX Being + 
A. Zercher Squat - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min
B. EMOM - PC+SC+J for 10 min; start at 65% and build
3 sets tough
1 (2) rope climb 15′ legless (used legs)
5 burpee box jump 20″
Lunge jumps - 20sec tough
rest walk 2-4 (2:30)
Time: Approximately 1:35/round
1 set amrap ring dips - 16
10mins Z1 AD (track practice + 20 min brisk walk)

Saturday 3/28
A1. DL - tough 3; rest 2 min
A2. Press - tough 5; rest 2 min
EMOM for 10 min of:
B1. Odd min - 10 Ring Rows
B2. Even min- 12 Goblet Squats - 70#
6 sets of 5 Spartan Tire Flips - AFAP; rest 2:1
Each set was approximately 30-35 sec.
Sled drag - 20 min w/50#

*Notes: set of 155# on press was a triple. Used PP to finish set and did two sets of PP afterwards. DL felt good today. 465# is the heaviest I've gone for a while. Felt like I could have pulled over 500# if I wanted.

Sled drag was no joke...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 3/16-3/20

Monday 3/16 - OPEX Being +

A. Zercher Squat - 3 x 3 ; rest 2-3min
B1. Press - 3 x 5
B2. Pull-ups - 3 x 8-10 strict
20min amrap 90% effort pacing 
Row 500m (50 SDLHP)
FW 100m 70/hand (5 lengths)
5 wall walks
4 rounds in 9:36

Wednesday 3/18 - OPEX Being 
WU: regular + glute activation 
A. Back squat 2×3 70% of 1rm; rest 2mins - 295-295
B. Back squat 2×2 80% of 1rm; rest 2mins - 335-335
C. Back squat 2×2; build from 80% rest 2mins -365-385
21, 15, 9 tough effort
GHD situp - All UB
DL 225# (155# Rx'd) - All UB
Time: 27:30-30:17 (2:47)
10mins 85% aero
Row 20cals (20 KBS)
AD 20cals (20 Wall Ball)
50 single unders
FLR on Rings (Ab wheel x 10)
Rounds - 3+20+20+1-3...finished 4th in 11:00-ish
10mins Z1 your choice (no time)

Friday 3/20
A. SC x 1/FS x 2; rest 90sec x 3 build per set
B. PC TnG 2, 2, 2; rest 2mins
15.4 - 8 min AMRAP
Reps: 67 (15+6+1) 
1 sets amrap MU (Bar)

Saturday 3/21 - Hotel WOD 
4 rounds (20 min)
40 sec KB Clean/Press - R (10-10-10-10)
20 sec rest
40 sec KB Clean/Press - L (10-10-10-10)
20 sec rest
40 sec 1-1/4 GS (12-12-12-12)
20 sec rest
40 sec KB HP (25-25-25-25)
20 sec rest
40 sec Hollow Rocks (25-26-26-26)
20 sec rest

Sunday, March 15, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 3/9 - 3/14

Monday 3/9 - OPEX Being 

A. Paused Back Squat - tough triple in 10 min
B. Push press TnG build to a tough triple in 10mins
C1. 15 wall balls 20/14# 10′ target; rest 10sec
C2. 15 Strict HSPU (5.5.5) rest 20sec b/t clusters; rest 10sec 
C3. 15 KBS 2pd; rest 3mins x 3
5 sets 90% effort
Row 200m (20 SDLHPs)
10 box jump 24/20″
FLR on rings 30sec
rest 1:30min

Wednesday 3/11 - OPEX Being 
A. hang snatch build to a tough single in 10mins
95x2-115x2-135x2-155-165-175-185-195-205 (215-f)
21, 15, 9 for time
GHD situp
DB thruster 30/20#
Time: 3:30
5 RFT of
7 DL - 315#
21 DUs
Time: 3:15

Notes: Hang Snatch felt really rushed. Tried to go up 10# EMOM to stay w/in time limit, but mind wasn't really in it. PR'd on DL/DU WOD by 32 sec

Friday 3/13 - OPEX Being + some 
A. FS x 3 EMOM @ 70% x 10 min - 250#
(135-185-235) 250 x 3 x 10
B. PC + SC EMOM x 10 min - 205#
(135-185) 205 x 2 x 10
PC - 225#
Bar MUs

Notes: PR'd by 25 sec even w/ the miss. Wish I would have hit it. Would have had a 1 min+ PR. Did first set of 5 BMUs UB. May have cost me later. Had to do singles after that and the PCs felt heavy after that. I put the belt on after the 2nd rep on he set of 4. Then took the time to belt up b/t sets. No misses on BMUs until I got to he set of one (5:04 mark). Missed twice before getting it (5:40).

Saturday 3/14 - Garage WOD
The Iron Maiden - 3 rounds of (15min)
40 sec of KB C&J - R - 60# (10 reps)
20 sec rest
40 sec KB C&J - L - 60# (10 reps)
20 sec rest
40 sec 1-1/4 GS - 60# (12 reps)
20 sec rest
40 sec KB High Pulls - 60# (25 reps)
20 sec rest
40 sec Russian Twists - 40# (20 reps)
20 sec rest

Sunday, March 8, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 3/2 - 3/6

Monday 3/2 - OPEX Being 
Open 15.1, 15.1a
9 min AMRAP of 
15 TTB
10 DL - 75#
5 Snatch - 75#
Max C&J in 6 min

Rounds: 5+11
Loads: 205-220-235*-235*-255*
*PC only 
At home
Strict NG Pull-ups - 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1
Push-ups - 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2-2

Tuesday 3/3 at Home
5 rounds of:
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Goblet Squat - 40#
20 SLDL - BW
15 Rows/Arm - 40#
5 Press/Arm - 40#
HS Holds

Wednesday 3/4 - OPEX Being 
A. Squat - 5x3 @ 85%, rest 2:30 b/t sets
B. snatch grip DL build to a tough double in 10mins
for time
30, 20, 10 situps - all UB
30, 40, 50 DU - UB, 11+29, UB
5, 3, 1 MU (Bar) 5 singles, 3 UB, 1 miss + 1
Time: 4:29
8 min 85% aero*
20 SDLHPs - 45# BB
5 PC and jerk 135/95#
5 box jump 30/24″ sd
Rounds: 4
Z1 Flush of your choice

Notes: Added Squat, scaled aerobic WOD to 8 min due to time. Omitted Z1 Flush

Thursday 3/5
A. back squat 65% of 1rm @20X0; 2-3; rest 45sec x 10
B. SC x 1/HSC x 1; rest 2mins x 5 build per set
C. push press x 1/jerk x 1/paused jerk x 1; rest 2 mins x 5 (2sec pause at bottom of dip for the paused jerks)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

OPEX Being - Week of 2/23 - 2/28

Monday 2/23 - OPEX Being 

Warm-up: normal routine + SC+FS(5) @ 135-165-185-205+1@225#

For Time
30 CTB chin ups - 15-7-4-4
15 FS from the ground 225# - UB
10 wall walks - 1's/2's
15 FS from the ground 225# - 7+8
30 CTB chin ups - 6-6-6-5-3-1-1-1-1

Time: 11:54-55

Notes: decided to belt on the FS...glad I did. Took about 60-90 sec b/t CTB and FS and Ww and FS

Tuesday 2/24 - OPEX Being 

15, 12, 9 all out for time
PC 115#

Time: 2:53

Rest 5 min

6,3 of PC/Burpees in 0:41 

Rest 10-12 min

4 rounds of: 

25 RKBS 

25 GS @ 55#; rest approx 20 sec b/t movements

Time: 7:19

Wednesday 2/26 - OPEX Being 

A. Squat Clean & Jerk - build to a tough single 

WU: 95-115-135-165
185-195-205-215-225-235-245-255 (clean only, DNA Jerk)

3 rounds of 4 min AMRAP of
8 DB Thrusters- 45#/hand
40 DUs
Rest/walk 8 min*

1. 3 @ 3:48 - 40-30/10-20/19/2
*Rest 4 min
2. 3 @ 4:05 - 40-20/20-18/15/7
*Rest 5 min 
3. 3 @ 4:59 - 25/15-20/20-11/12/18

Notes: DB Thrusters 'bout got me down. Left shoulder felt like I was losing control of it. Got kind of wobbly on me.

Friday 2/27 @ the Hilton in the 'Lou

A. 20 min EMOM of:

Odd: 20 KBS

Even: 15 Ab Wheel

B. 20 min AMRAP 

Odd: GS - 60# ascending ladder 10-12-14...every round.

Even: 10 Alt. SLDL - 30# in each hand

C. 20 min EMOM if

Odd: 5 Strict PUs

Even: 10 HRPUs 

Saturday 2/28 @ the Hampton in the Lou'

A. 5 sets of SA KBSn x 5/Hand + Anterior Chain opener + Twist x 5/side

B. 5 sets of Pistol Squat - 5/side + Spider-Man w/ twist x 2/side

5 Rounds of

C1. HSPUs x 5; rest 10 sec

C2. KB Rows x 15 right; rest 10 sec...repeat w/ left side, rest 2min

D. Global rotation on cables.