5 rounds @ Z1 of:
20 KBS
20 Alt Goblet Lunges
20 Rows - R
20 Rows - L
20 Push-ups
Bearcrawl D/B x 2
HS Holds x 30 sec
Tuesday 3/24 - OPEX Being
A. 1-1/4 back squat 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 3mins
B1. Double
KB (BB) front rack walk lunge 20steps you pick weight; rest 60sec
B2. amrap CTB chin ups – 1; rest 3mins x 3
C. 30 TGU 1.5 pd alt hands per rep - as Rx'd
Row (Airdyne) 30sec sec 90% aero
rest walk 30sec x 8
Wednesday 3/25 - OPEX Being
A. Front squat 2×3 70% of 1rm; rest 2mins
B. Front squat 2×2 80% of 1rm; rest 2mins
C. Front squat 2×2; build from 80% rest 2mins*
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time*
Wall Walk
DL - 315#
*Didn't read it carefully and I accidentally flipped the order of movements. Started w/ DL first.
10mins 85% aero
Row 200m (20 SDLHPs w/ 45# BB)
30 DU - all UB
10 bupree jump touch 6″ target
Rounds: 5+20 @ 9:47 mark; rested until 10:10-ish then finished 6th round (DUs/Burpees) in 11:37
Friday 3/27 - OPEX Being +
A. Zercher Squat - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min
B. EMOM - PC+SC+J for 10 min; start at 65% and build
3 sets tough
1 (2) rope climb 15′
legless (used legs)
5 burpee box jump 20″Lunge jumps - 20sec toughrest walk 2-4 (2:30)
Time: Approximately 1:35/round
1 set amrap ring dips - 16
10mins Z1 AD (track practice + 20 min brisk walk)
Saturday 3/28
A1. DL - tough 3; rest 2 min
A2. Press - tough 5; rest 2 min
EMOM for 10 min of:
B1. Odd min - 10 Ring Rows
B2. Even min- 12 Goblet Squats - 70#
6 sets of 5 Spartan Tire Flips - AFAP; rest 2:1
Each set was approximately 30-35 sec.
Sled drag - 20 min w/50#
*Notes: set of 155# on press was a triple. Used PP to finish set and did two sets of PP afterwards. DL felt good today. 465# is the heaviest I've gone for a while. Felt like I could have pulled over 500# if I wanted.
Sled drag was no joke...